
🌸Taking a break time🙌🏻

あったかーぃ🙌🏻外はポカポカWow….季節の変わり目を今年はStupid のせいで日々感じる事が出来ないじゃないのぉ‼️Beating Coronavirus 🦠🤛🏻🤛🏻🤛🏻


今日は通常通りパーソナルクラス 一緒にトレーニング下さりありがとうございます😊

今朝もBallet ‼️Actually,…. it was no good today, my body was some down from a flexible . I thought it might be too much using my brain 🧠 🤣because,… I’ve had an another theme for progress my skills. I know it’s not so easy to get through,I’ll be struggled by it in a while.🤣


And Recently, I’ve been feeling new, when I listen to the music or songs, I think about some choreography, any steps, and natural arm movements. Yeah, it’s reminded me when I was teaching some Aerobics classes. That’s wonderful 🤗🌸

songs, music and Rhythm are very important for me.

Thanks, for everyone ❤️ reading my blog🤗


●3/11(水) 16:15~17:15 空きございます。


場所はTIPNESS 横浜店より歩いて7分位の位置です‼️

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